Caroline Korandová
Oil paintings
Crystal Emitters

Jedinečný SEMINÁŘ : " Umění Hvězdných Matric & Kódů "
20. Května 2023
Tento jediněčný seminář, bude probíhat v překrásných prostorách v Praze v Chrámu Zvuku . pro více informací si přečti událost na fb, případně mě kontaktuj na email.
Událost :
A being that travels through its connection to the infinite universe. Fascinated by the creation of new, and at the same time known, worlds and galaxies, she puts on the screen exactly what flows through her connection to Herself as the Source of Everything. She started her artistic work in 2017. At the moment, I have expanded my work and moved it to the next level of space creation. You can find here not only oil paintings, but also illustrations, sacred geometry, now also cosmic and unique emitters, Crystal Radiators, which I make and paint by hand.
"My images are visions, energies, codes that come to me. My works are a guide to the Universe. They radiate, transmit exactly what you have to know at a given moment. You have to stop for a moment and calm your mind so that you can finally hear your soul, your Higher Self. My paintings speak to the very heart of your soul. Words do not include what my works contain. Multidimensional creation on and off the canvas.
"Close your eyes and you will see the whole Universe" - Karolina Korandová
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Karolina Korandová © 2021 / All rights reserved